Our Steps To Making Great Plans

ProvisionAi automatically gets the right products on the right number of trucks at the right time to increase service levels and maximize network efficiency. 

Our platform translates the supply chain “plan” into executable missions that smooth deployment, match loads to demand, and respect all complex supply chain constraints.

ProvisionAi makes high-service, cost-effective, executable plans.

  • Analyze: Data and constraints.
    • Take the output of the advanced planning system (SAP APO, Kinaxis, or OMP) plus network constraints and costs (shipping capacities, carrier rates, item master data, and facility space/throughput capacity).
    • ProvisionAi performs an overall optimization to “smooth” shipments across the network and reduces volatility over the next 30 days.
  • Smooth: Optimize network-wide.
    • ProvisionAi performs an overall optimization to “smooth” shipments across the network and reduces volatility over the next 30 days.
    • This smoothing tells you exactly how many transportation units (truck, intermodal, etc.) need to be sent on every lane for each day.
  • Tender: Get trucks committed.
    • ProvisionAi integrates with existing ERP & TMS solutions to automatically tender freight much further in advance than a traditional planning team would.

  • Load: Optimize loads for service and cost network-wide.
    • Just before the freight is leaving its facility, ProvisionAi looks at the latest demand signal to make sure that EXACTLY the right products are put on loads tendered earlier, optimizing load building completely for weight, cube and ensures the product with the highest need utilizes the available trucks.

AutoO2 optimizes loads